1.单次给药毒性试验 (Single-dose Toxicity Study)
1啮齿类动物的单次给药毒性试验(Single-dose toxicology in rodents)
非啮齿类动物单次给药毒性试验(Single-dose toxicology in non-rodents)
2.多次给药毒性试验(Repeated-dose Toxicity Study)
实验物种包括:小鼠、大鼠、犬、非人灵长类动物等(Species: mice, rats, canines, NHPs)
给药途径包括:经口给药、注射给药、经皮给药等(Administration methods: oral, injection and percutaneous administration, etc. )
3.发育及生殖毒性试验(Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Study)
生育力和早期胚胎发育毒性试验(I段)(Study of fertility and early embryonic development to implantation)
胚胎-胎仔发育毒性及母体功能试验(Ⅱ段)(Study for effects on embryo-fetal development)
围产期发育毒性和母体功能试验(Ⅲ段)(待申报)(Study for effects on pre-and postnatal development) (To be certified)
4.遗传毒性试验(Genetic Toxicity Study)
染色体畸变试验(Chromosome aberration test)
微核试验(Micronucleus test)
5.局部毒性试验(Local Toxicity Test)
刺激性试验(血管刺激、肌肉刺激、皮肤刺激、粘膜刺激、皮肤给药光毒性)(Irritation test: venous stimulation test, muscle stimulation test, skin irritation test, mucosa irritation test and photo toxicity test)
过敏性试验(主动全身过敏、主动皮肤过敏、被动皮肤过敏、皮肤光过敏反应) (Allergy test: active systemic anaphylaxis, active cutaneous anaphylaxis, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, photosensitization test)
溶血性试验(Hemolysis test)
6.免疫原性试验(Immunogenicity test)
7.安全性药理试验(大鼠、小鼠、犬、非人灵长类动物)(Safety Pharmacology: rats, mice, canines, NHPs)
中枢神经系统:小鼠一般行为试验、小鼠自发活动试验、小鼠转棒试验、小鼠阈下催眠试验(Central Nervous System: general behavior test, spontaneous activities test, rotarod test, sodium pentobarbital-induced hypnosis activity test)
心血管系统:给药前后血压、心电等(Cardiovascular system: change in blood and ECG before and after the dose)
呼吸系统:给药前后呼吸频率、呼吸幅度(Respiratory system: change of respiratory rate and depth)
8.毒代动力学试验(Toxicokinetics (TK) test)
9.致癌试验(待申报)(Carcinogenicity test)(To be certified)